A free enterprise system is an economic system where a government places very few restrictions on the types of business activities or ownership in which citizens participate. This type of system is often referred to by others as a free market, or capitalism.
Es esta
Tras aprobarse una serie de sanciones, Estados Unidos comenzó a enviar tropas a Arabia Saudí, liderando una poderosa coalición con la finalidad de liberar Kuwait y de hacer respetar el derecho internacional.
I believe the correct answer is the northeast.
hope i could help :)
They Would Have To Pay Taxs For The War And Families Would Loose People That They Loved During The War.The Prices On Things Would Go Up And It Could Be Possible That There Could Be A Draft If They Loose To Many People.They Would Loose Land From The War And The Diffrent Countries Would Fight Over Land And Try To Conquer Land.