Water-well drillers on the W.T. Waggoner Ranch in Wichita County in 1911 found oil instead, creating the Electra field.
Racial oppression and prejudice, fitting into the cultural normalities and societal standards, finding a job, possibly learning the language which they are not fluent in, etc.
It led to a significant decrease in slavery and the slave trade
"This country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules".
There were no child labors laws nor working unions the rights of employees were at the mercy of what was needed and unexistant.
The industrial revolution was a very contaminated and polluted dark snoky dirty ashy and sick period of history
Another hardship especially for coal miners was the same thing we have know implosion in short terms it is a combination of physical & emontional pollution that took over many lives
~ hope this helps