In Hellenistic Greece more women had access to formal education.
Women in the Hellenistic period had better conditions than those who lived in the Classical period. Even though women still held a lower status than men and had access to less rights, several improvements were seen during this time. The education available to women improved and women in privileged positions were even able to hold a certain amount of power.
Paine states that mankind was originally at a state of equality and the subsequent appearance of all distinctions between human beings have to been brought about by an unnatural circumstance. This distinction between people is "not one of heaven".
Pain believes that men have committed a serious mistake when deciding to have someone other than God to govern them. In the past, a person worthy of certain honors would be named as ruler. From them on, his descendants were expected to inherit the ruler's power. This is a practice that has been going on until today. However, Paine considers this to be a mistaken practice, as no person deserves any sort of honors that belonged to his descendants.
The assassin of President Garfield was a disgruntled office seeker. Arthur believed the Pendleton Act's merit system would prevent similar retaliations by unqualified spoils system applicants.
Use as code-breakers for the military
- During the war, the Germans cut every fourth Allied message on average and successfully decrypted all codes.
- That all changed when the US commander began using the Choctaw Indians who put their extremely complex language to the service of the Entente.
- Although the Americans did not provide Native American citizenship until 1924, 13,000 Native Americans served in the military during the first world war.
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