Differences between Object Oriented Programming and Structured Programming
1. Structured programming focuses on process/logic then data while OOP(Object Oriented programming) focuses on data.
2.OOP supports Inheritance,Encapsulation,Abstraction,Polymorphism while structured programming does not supports these.
3.Structured programming follows top-down approach while OOP follows bottom-up approach.
4.OOP is more secured than structured programming because it supports Abstraction (data hiding).
Data manipulation languages are used for the retrieval of the,insertion,deletion and modification of data.
Data Manipulation Languages(DML) are used to insert,delete,update,modify the data in the database.
The commands used to do these operations are as following:-
INSERT INTO :-This command is used to insert values in the database.
DELETE:-It is used to delete existing records from the table.
UPDATE:- It is used to modify the records in the table.
SELECT:- It is used to select data from database.
The first one is problem solver, the second one is Innovative, and the third one is logical.
def min(x,y):
smallest = x
if y < smallest:
smallest = y
return smallest
x = min(2,1)
print("The min is "+str(x))
Although I wouldn't recommend using the name min for a function because min is the name of an existing function. Best of luck.