Las computadoras que existian en el inicio de la informatica y las que existen ahora tenian los mismos componentes. Estos eran CPU, Placa Madre, RAM, HDD, y tarjeta grafica. Lo que si cambio fueron el velocidad y capacidad. Por ejemplo, en el inicio las Tarjetas de RAM venian como DDR a una velocidad maxima de 133 Mhz con una capacidad de entre 4mb y 8mb. Hoy en dia tenes RAM de DDR5 con una velocidad de 4400 Mhz y de 8gb. Mientras que avanzaba el tiempo los componentes de las computadoras aumentaban en velocidad y capacidad aunque el tamaño bajaba o aumentaba dependiendo del gusto del usario.
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<span>AP Comp Sci Chapter 5</span>
Flowchart of an algorithm (Euclid's algorithm) for calculating the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two numbers a and b in locations named A and B. The algorithm proceeds by successive subtractions in two loops: IF the test B ≥ A yields "yes" or "true" (more accurately, the number b in location B is greater than or equal to the number a in location A) THEN, the algorithm specifies B ← B − A (meaning the number b − a replaces the old b). Similarly, IF A > B, THEN A ← A − B. The process terminates when (the contents of) B is 0, yielding the g.c.d. in A. (Algorithm derived from Scott 2009:13; symbols and drawing style from Tausworthe 1977).
Flowchart of an algorithm (Euclid's algorithm) for calculating the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two numbers a and b in locations named A and B. The algorithm proceeds by successive subtractions in two loops: IF the test B ≥ A yields "yes" or "true" (more accurately, the number b in location B is greater than or equal to the number a in location A) THEN, the algorithm specifies B ← B − A (meaning the number b − a replaces the old b). Similarly, IF A > B, THEN A ← A − B. The process terminates when (the contents of) B is 0, yielding the g.c.d. in A. (Algorithm derived from Scott 2009:13; symbols and drawing style from Tausworthe 1977).
Well my advice for Sara when using the web would be 3 things.
1: Never tell anyone where you live,Your name, Or any other personal information.
This is important as it will keep you safe and others that are in your family.
2: Get anti virus hardware on your devise.
This will help to stop bad people, and bugs/glitches,this will also protect you from information thieves.
3: Make sure to keep your passwords saved on paper.
I know a lot of people use, google(ect.) to save there passwords to make everything easy, but a good way to never loss them is to wright them down.
Have a great day!
ExplanatOverfishing occurs "when more fish are caught than the population can replace through natural reproduction," according to the World Wildlife . Once this occurs, the species is no longer "sustainable." Eighty-seven percent of all the world's fish stocks that we know about are at the "breaking point," according to the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).