Checks and balances
The veto was first applied by President George Washington on April 5, 1792, and the first successful overcoming of the veto by Congress occurred on March 3, 1845 (veto by President John Tyler). At the same time, in the entire history of the US presidency, a total of 1,508 vetoes have been introduced (an average of 6.7 veto per year) (excluding the so-called “pocket veto” - a pocket veto that cannot be overcome), and 1117 of them were overcome. The fact that only 7.3% of the bills that the US President vetoed was eventually passed by the US Congress, clearly indicates the effectiveness of this manifestation of checks and balances (veto rights).
Fifteenth Amendment "commands that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race or color, and it gives Congress the power to enforce that command. The Amendment is not designed to punish for the past; its purpose is to ensure a better future."
Amelia Earhart's first flying lesson with Snook took place on January 3, 1921. Earhart's impressive knowledge of aviation and her eagerness to fly made her Snook's most famous student.
Answer: it strengthened their economy
The Japanese adoption of the Meiji Constitution differ from China's administration at the end of the 19th
century due to theirs accelerated the progress of their economy. There was now industralization in Japan, which lead to the rise of the military in 1895. These industralization focuses on enriching the country and strengthening the military. This was the difference between theirs and the Chinese.
D because of taxation without representation was a common idea in colonial america