probablemente el primero "habia escrito un ensayo maravilloso"
porque tiene mas logica
El doctor gana Mas dinero que el camarero
Una bicicleta va mas lento que un automovil
Tu apartamento menos grande que una escuela
The second answer. Because “sus” is the only one which has the “s” because it is plural. If it would be “nuestro” it should had an “s” like “nuestros hijos son altos” or “tus hijos son altos”
<em>1. Lavo la ropa en el lavaplatos. True or false</em>
<em>Answer 1: False </em>
<em>Explanation : Dishes are washed in the dishwasher.</em>
<em>2. (Ella) Fue a la escuela mañana. True or false</em>
<em>Answer 2: False</em>
<em>Explanation : (Fue) is the verb in this sentence , that is conjugated in the past, and it does not agree with tomorrow as a temporary reference since it is a future reference.</em>