Brown v. Board of Education (1954). The case ruled that segregated public schools were unconstitutional on the grounds that "separate could never be equal." The case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, a landmark and deeply racist Supreme Court decision from 1896 that had allowed segregated education.
1. Security
2. Patriotism and common celebrations (they worked on moral and pride of their people)
3. Since it was a communist regime, they were pursuing equality so there was that middle class that carried the society therefore there were neither extremely rich nor extremely poor people
4. During the period of Vladimir Lenin (Stalin period was too harsh as well as the rest), they had sound economy when the whole world was on its knees. Tactics that were applied by this man were genial and enough to make the USSR stable in the worst period of economical history.
5. Witnesses (elders of Russia) keep saying that the life back in the USSR was the best period of their lives so it somehow must be true
C. The government established a tax system to finance schools and hospitals.
the Belgian Congo, French Congo Belge, was the previous settlement in Africa, ruled by Belgium from 1908 until 1960. It was established by the Belgian parliament to supplant the past, exclusive Congo Free State, after worldwide shock over maltreatment there brought weight for supervision and responsibility.
The official Belgian frame of mind was paternalism: Africans were to be thought about and prepared as though they were youngsters. They had no job in enactment, yet customary rulers were utilized as operators to gather charges and enroll work; uncooperative rulers were dismissed. In the late 1950s, when France and the United Kingdom worked with their states to get ready for freedom, Belgium still depicted the Congo as an ideal place that is known for parent-child connections among Europeans and Africans.
Combine like terms: -9x + -6x is -15x. 7+ -13 is -6
B. A group of ideas or tenants of democracy