D. because if you held an event you can call people attention if many people show up others will want to see what's going on that's how your business can begin.
When I was in school grade 9, I had my first interaction with a robot during a visit to technology expo since then I could not think of anything else but to awe for exploring the fascinating world of robots.
I didn't had much resources to buy tools and components to build robots but still my passion kept me motivated and I found my way to get hands on scrap parts available at the various spots in my locality. Slowly and gradually, I kept learning and building robots and by the time I was in my high school, I had already won 3 major school competitions and received tremendous amount of recognition. Due to my outstanding performance, I was awarded with merit scholarship for the college.
In college, I continued my handwork and kept myself busy in exploring the depth of robotics. I had the pleasure of working on a big project funded by a our college. The project was to build a search and rescue quad-copter. Honestly speaking, it was not easy! I worked day and night tirelessly, and finally after 6 months I successfully built the quad-copter.
My goal is to become an inventor in the field of robotics. Building such robots that can make a difference in our lives and help humanity to grow and thrive. I believe that engineering program at Princeton encourages such passion and vision and would be a great learning platform for me to showcase my talent and skills.
b. the increase in the interest rate creates an income effect that is greater than the substitution effect.
Interest rate can be regarded as amount that is been charged by lender for using an assets, this asset could be cash, goods, and this is usually display as a percentage of the lent principal.
The income effect gives shows how increased purchasing power can impact consumption, substitution effect on other hands, shows how changing relative income as well prices impact consumption. Both economics concepts give expression of changes that occur in the market as well as how this changes impact consumption patterns as regards consumer goods and services.
It should be noted that the increase in the interest rate creates an income effect that is greater than the substitution effect.
Answera dnd Explanation:
A. The incentive conflict in principal-agent relationship as it concerns venture capitalism is conflict between venture capitalists who are the principals and the managers of the business investment who are the agents. The conflict is that venture capitalists are put to increase value of their investment and make profit while salaried managers are only out to feel their pockets through their managerial role in the company as they do not have an interest in the company and are unaffected by the loss or failure of the company. This is known as the principal agent moral hazard issue in venture capitalism
B. By managers maintaining some ownership in the company, there us reduced conflict as managers now see a reason to make sure company succeeds since they have an interest
Venture capitalists aim to have a seat in the board to make sure managers do not take bad decisions since they are able to veto such decisions
. payroll taxes.
Payroll taxes are imposed on the employers or employees of the company. In the examples of the question, the costs except for the payroll taxes are all paid by the company. Besides, payroll taxes are also not taxed on the company instead of on the employees' wages, which is funded by them. That is why all the examples are start-up costs except the payroll taxes