From colonial times into the early 20th century a majority of americans lived in the countryside and worked on farms. A dramatic expansion in farming took place from 1860 yo 1910. The number of farms tripled from two million in 1860 to 6 million in 1905. The number of people living on farms grew from about 10 million in 1860 to 22 million in 1880 to 31 million in 1905.
This means that the <em>cities at the end of the 19th century</em> were large because of the rural life. Although the eastern image of farm life on the prairies emphasizes the isolation of the lonely farmer and farm life, in reality rural folk created a rich social life for themselves.
The berlin Blockade was an unfortunate event to the people of West Germany. They were left without food and other important supplies.
The blockade was ostentiated by the soviet republic between June 1948 and may 1949. The soviets basically blockaded west Germany from East Germany.
BEST statement:USA and its allies responded by airlifting food and medical supplies to west Germany.
This strategy avoided war.
5 reasons on why the Declaration of Independence was the most influential turning point in American history.
1-The Declaration of Independence signaled the formal beginning of the Revolutionary War, with the Thirteen Colonies separating from Britain.
2- This was the "first" major document that the colonies made together which was their first major step towards being a free country that was separate from Great Britain (England).
3- Because of the signing of this document other countries such as France now saw the colonies as a separate country from England and therefore aided the colonies during the Revolutionary War.
4- Many laws that were attempted to be put in place were n longer valid and were not enforced. These laws included the Sugar Act (1764), the Stamp Tax (1765), the Townshend Acts (1767), and the Tea Act (1773).
5- The Quartering Act (1765), which forced colonists to help pay for the British military stationed in the colonies, was no longer a thing as the colonists now were helping to aid their side of the war.
B)Leader development targets developing leadership for the organization and frequently highly individualized in nature. The definition for leader development is the "expansion of a person's capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes."