Principles of design is the word that means the definition above
Feminism and intersectionality in film, both combined and separately, help the viewer to understand the internal and external struggles of minorities in an industry that was built on silencing them.
A feminist lens in filmmaking helps to challenge the systemic inequalities women face on a daily basis by focusing on the function of female characters as strong individuals, rather than passive, flat characters they are commonly depicted as, especially in action and horror genres. An intersectional lens starts a conversation on the intersections of gender, race, caste, class, sexuality, religion, and disabilities for people who may or may not have experiences with these things, and helps those who do feel represented and less alone in their differences.
Answer: Just like there are principles of design there are principles of art. Principle of design is basically just a different aspect of art
Explanation: Art has existed long before the age of design and it was popularized during the Renascence period. The concept of design didn't come long after and people who made designs basically used the same principles of art.
Answer: a vulture and a cobra
The protective goddesses of Upper and Lower Egypt are represented on the head-dress of the mask of King Tutankhamun by vulture and cobra.
The symbols of the Upper Egypt was the vulture. It should be noted that Pharaohs put on the Cobra which was also referred to as the uraeus and also had on the forehead a vulture's head. These were simply symbols regarding royal protection. Also, Nekhbet who was also a goddess was portrayed as vulture as well.