I see myself in Highschool, hopefully doing things I love and working at a restaurant or animal shelter. I see myself happier than I am currently, because I know I will have friends who support me for my identity and interests.
Answer - B) The Great Depression
During The Great Depression no one had any money and everyone was out of their jobs. It was extremely hard times, so this song "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" was saying "I need money. Could you spare even a dime."
Best of luck,
Hi <u>Insert Friend's Name,</u>
Can I please use your library to finish my project? I really need to use it, and I'll return any books that I've used. Thank you so much!
Your friend, <u>Insert Your Name</u>
<em>hope this helps have a nice day</em>
1) providing proof or documentation
2) using the power of loss
3) anticipating and redirecting resistance
4) being reasonable and specific