You need to put more space in it this is to hard to read
$3 per pencil. Just thought tis question was easy
Answer: indirectly, through his lack of action.
Jim does nothing in this excerpt apart from look at Della who then tried to interpret this look by diagnosing it for the presence of emotions that she had prepared for but instead found none.
We are therefore introduced to Jim's character indirectly through Della's eyes as she analyses his lack of action.
The benefit of using "I found myself" rather than a more direct syntax is that it suggests the narrator traveled without thinking of the time.
This phrase conveys the idea that the narrator have unintentionally realized the situation he was witnessing, the view he could admire, etc. Because of this phrase, we may say that the narrator became aware of the situation that the author is describing rather unexpectedly, because he was not thinking of the time.