Tenement dwellers face hardships, or deprivation. Tenement dwellers are people who dwell on old or crowded house or apartment. Tenement dwellers are mostly found in the deprived area of a city, or where less-privileged persons commonly stay. Tenement dwellers mostly stay in abandoned houses, apartments.
No I don't support him. After all the stuff he did i don't get how anyone can support him. What makes me mad the most is how he bullied the members and acted like he didn't care. Im glad he left the group, they are better of without him.
He called the people he found on the island "Indians" because he thought he had reached the Indian Ocean.
When Columbus was travelling, he initially meant to go through the Indian Ocean and to the Indies, and when he landed, he thought he was in the Indies. So, he named everyone there "Indians", even though he was definitely not in the Indies.