Diocletian was correct, the empire was too large to be ruled by a single man and needed at least 2 emperors to control both the East and Western half, the Eastern half had enemies such as the Sassanids and Balkan tribes to deal with while the Western half had Germanic Incursions to deal with
Texas was a Spanish colony
D. The social order changed.
Rome suffered changes due to the wars against Carthage. The Senate had picked up in power and renown in respect to the general population's congregations, the Comitia Plebis.
The Romans rose up out of the Punic wars with the across the board understanding that the most important authority over the military lay with the Senate, that it was the Senate's business to know, exhort and control, and the Senate's business to choose the subject of war or harmony and other outside approach matters.
Artisans organized medieval crafting guilds for a very good reason - it was mostly because it benefited themselves. They found out that if they stuck together and helped each other out in certain times, it was beneficial for them as they could earn more and have less "stress" with not having jobs or enough equimpent or knowledge.
Veterans Day is the anniversary of the ending of World War I.
Veterans Day is a U.S. national holiday celebrated annually on November 11th.
On November 11, 1918, the First World War ended with the signing of the Compiegne Armistice. Since 1919, a number of US states have celebrated a ceasefire. In 1926, the Congress passed a resolution calling on all US states to mark this date as a tribute to World War I veterans. On June 1, 1954, the holiday was renamed Veterans Day, and from that moment it was dedicated to veterans of all American wars.
Veterans Day is dedicated to all living combatants; commemoration of those who died in wars takes place on Memorial Day. The holiday is usually celebrated with parades and meetings of veterans.