Assuming from general knowledge, charity work is beneficial to everyone involved and has a positive effect on the community.
Of all the given words, venerated is the only one that means respect or praise... charity work is respected and often praised, so the only logical option. Good luck!
A verb states an action. In the sentence "They can take the bus to school", what are they doing? They are TAKING it to school.
Their action? 'Take'
1) has your son grown incredibly tall
2) my daughter is hardly ever ill
3) are his parents retiring next year
4) ??
6)the police immediately arrived at the bank
7)James is apparently getting divorced
The claim which is consistent with Sartre's concept of anguish is the following one:
We are aware of our being freely choosing beings and we experience that freedom as a burden.
Jean Paul Sartre stated that we were slaves to freedom, which is a huge paradox. However, since every choice we make implies rejecting or renouncing, freedom can be a burden indeed.
E.g.: Imagine you have met the woman of your dreams and want to marry her desperately. You've made your choice. Nevertheless, marrying such a woman implies renouncing all the others you had met previously or will meet in the future. Plus, your marriage can turn into a nightmare, and you will have no one to blame but yourself for having made that decision of marrying.
Life would be quite easier if we were just told what to choose, that is, what the best choice would be. If that was the case, we would have someone else but ourselves to blame in case things turned out wrong.