Between 1820 and 1860 there was rapid expansion and great arguments about the morality and validity of slavery. The Second Great Awakening filled a greater Protestant religion into American society and culture. It was the religious people's responsibility to improve the morality of American society to achieve God's mission. Americans were successful at imposing reforms on society in the form of abolitionism, women's rights, and the reform of certain forms of moral vice, such as prostitution and alcoholism. However, and sadly, no reforms were entirely successful. I think that some parallels exist today because of the moral reform movement to stop violence and sexual behavior in the media, and Anti-Abortion believers who argue for an increase in human morality to meet the expectations of the Christian moral tradition.
There were key differences between the two documents in the how they both confided the law. The article of confederation established a unicamy legislature. As opposed to the eventual bicameral system created by the constitution. The articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states in a week central government leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the constitutional convention in 1787.
Technology has totally changed the way maps are made and geographical areas are represented, both regarding the calculation methods and the materials and technology used (nowadays we use databases instead of paper)
In times past, geographers had to rely on anachronistic tools to create maps. Therefore, the accuracy of their calculations was often very poor. Observation and information collected from travelers, sailors and merchants was usually the most common way to create maps, in the absence of more reliable sources. Nowadays, computerized mapping and satellites make it a lot easier to map and represent large geographical areas. In conclusion, the advance of technology has been fundamental for the creation of better and more accurate maps.
The main difference is the independence movement India didn't use any force, meanwhile the independence movement in Algeria did.
Indian independence movement led by Mahatma Ghandi in his ant-war movement
The Algerian Independence was led by Charles de Gaulle in Algerian Revolution war