Changing the composition of least some components of the rock.
In the following statements, a challenge that the agricultural faces in the coming decade would be B. Farmers in Africa must adopt new methods in order to meet their needs. The IAASTD would respond to the widespread realization about the technological achievements.
The International Date Line (boundary) is from when each calendar day starts; west of the date line is 1 calendar day ahead (24 hour difference) of areas to the east.
The International Date Line runs from the North Pole to the South Pole along the Pacific Ocean; curves around the islands of Kiribati (to make the islands the same day), extends outward between Asia and North America, and causes Cape Dezhenev, Russia to be 1 day ahead of Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska and they are only 50 miles apart.
International Date line follows a 180 degree meridian (halfway around the globe from the prime meridian) and meausres 0-degrees longitude
A. July
It refers to the actual months of winter in Australia: June 1 through to August 31.