They brought horses. It was easier for them to catch up with the buffalo and hunt instead of having to throw weapons from a far and run after the Buffalo.
Provided land as long as worked the land 10 years or so and then the land is yours
The 5th Amendment is all about due process, self incrimination...
idk tbh i just learned this not so long ago but i hope this helped
Sí, las leyendas suelen contener elementos históricos, y de hecho, es ésto lo que las diferencia de los mitos. Mientras los mitos no tienen base histórica, y son puramente ficción, las leyendas tienden a tener elementos históricos que se mezclan con elementos fantásticos y ficción.
Por ejemplo, las sagas del Rey Arturo son una leyenda. Sus elementos históricos son las invasiones de anglosajones a la Inglaterra de los siglos V y VI, y el posterior enfrentamiento a los reinos britones que habitaban el lugar.
El elemento de ficción o fantástico es el propio personaje de Arturo, ya que no está comprobada su existencia, y otras cosas tales como el santo grial, o la espada excalibur.
<u>Bubonic Plague, also is known as the Black Death, originated from Asia, most likely China, India, and Persia</u>. <u>In October of 1347. it arrived in Italy with trading ships from Asia;</u> their goods were very prized at the time, and the trade was greatly developed with these countries across all European countries.
<u>The black death quickly continued to spread around Europe</u>. <u>The quick and easy spreading happened partly because of the trade, but more importantly because of the rats. It has been proven that rats and fleas can carry the disease, and many people got it from the bites of these creatures.</u> <u>The hygiene wasn’t developed at the time as it is today, and pests were everywhere on the ships and in the stree</u>ts. Because it was a highly infectious disease, it quickly spread over the whole continent of Europe, resulting in million deaths.