the answer is c boundless and bare
1. How can everything come from nothing when nothing is something that has nothing to do with anything?
2. Is everything nothing or nothing is everything?
3. Why nothing is nothing and everything is everything?
4. What if nothing is anything and everything is not everything?
5. What will you do when you do nothing?
6. Why am I so mad and asking all the questions that make no sense and makes sense to those only who have common sense?
7. Why do fish don’t get cold even after living their entire life in water?
8. How can “makes sense” make sense and “nonsense” make no sense?
9. If the Big Bang happened 14 billion years ago, when did the small bang happen?
10. If I am breathing while I'm sleeping, does that mean I will live after death?
Your answer is no.
The main objective of the narrator when describing the setting of the play "Our Town" is to emphasize the fact that this town is incredible common. The town has no special feature, and no reason to be more highly regarded than any other town. However, the town is extremely special to its inhabitants.
The tone of the passage is familiar, in order to emphasize how common and mundane the scenario being described is. The word choice is also used in a way that suggests familiarity. Moreover, the word choice contributes to the creation of a vivid image in the mind of the reader by providing specific names and dates. Finally, the meaning of the passage is that the town is not special in any way. This allows the reader to feel represented, as the town can stand in for whatever town the reader loves.
Advertisements and commercials have historically often received criticism for placing too much emphasis on physical beauty and having a negative impact on people's conceptions of self. The complaints against advertisements have only grown in recent years because of the distortions that are used in advertisements to make people look better than they actually look in person. So there are many strong arguments of the impact that media and advertisements have had on societies conception of beauty today and historically.