Money is best defined as whatever serves society in three functions: medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account.
Barter is best defined as a situation where two individuals each want some or service that the other can provide.
A double coincidence of wants is a situation where two individuals each want some or service that the other can provide.
<h3>What is money?</h3>
Money is anything that is accepted by the general public as a means of payment for products and for repayment of debt.
<h3>What are the functions of
- Medium of exchange : money can exchanged for goods and services.
- Unit of account : money can be used to determine the value of goods and services
- Store of value : money can retain its value over the long term.
<h3>What is barter?</h3>
Barter is when people exchange goods with goods. For barter to occur, there has to be a double coincidence of wants. This means that someone has to have what you want and that person wants what you have.
To learn more about money, please check:
The correct answer is letter "B": False.
Small businesses have an advantage in differentiating their products because they are closer to their clients and are often more flexible than their bigger competitors. The differentiation of innovative goods is often a key factor in small business success.
1. What is the partial effect of expendA on voteA?
2. Is the expected sign for b4 obvious?
Yes because the expendB alone is a negative and expendA is a positive leaving B4 to be a negative number .
To… help protect investors from fraudulent financial reporting by corporations