Answer: Despite many major developments, the basic principles of the country’s founders are still at play.
In the third paragraph of his inaugural address, JFK discusses the way the world is nowadays, and the way it was back when the United States was born. He argues that the world is very different now, as we now have the tools to eliminate all poverty, but also all life from Earth. However, he believes that the revolutionary ideals of the Founding Fathers are still very relevant in modern times all over the world.
The feminine beauty ideal is "the socially constructed notion that physical attractiveness is one of women's most important assets, and something all women should strive to achieve and maintain". Feminine beauty ideals are rooted in heteronormative beliefs, and heavily influence women of all sexual orientations.
Sponser is actually spelled as Sponsor.
Simple Question.
I would say that most likely he was once a member of the military to use such a figure of speech, but also meaning that discretion would be the better part of valour to proceed with doing something positive for the community and win their hearts that way and perhaps influence their religion that way.