Gleick is thankful to Gutenberg for inventing the printing press.
Johannes Gutenberg (1398–1468), the inventor of typology through type. He was a resident of Mainz in Wejermani. He created the printing press in 1739, which is considered a great invention. He also created a movable type. The Bible printed by him is famous as Gutenberg Bible. Around 1439 AD, Strasbourg tested its printing invention.
Thus the first printed book is 'Constan Missal' which was published around 1450. Only three copies are available. One is in Munich (Germany) the other in Zurich (Switzerland) and the third in New York. In addition, a Bible was also printed by Gutenberg.
According to James 1:2-4 Christians should count it all joy when trials and temptation arises, when troubles comes and storm arose as in the case of the disciples on the boat this is because trials and temptation comes for a glory that is ahead, it works patience into believers life, endurance, longsuffering which are fruits of the spirit.
Trials should not be seen as evil but a time to be built up,strengthen spiritually hence, the Joy ahead should be the focus of a believer.
Given that the scripture emphasize that in the world there will be tribulation but as believers be of good cheer for Christ have overcome the world this is the testimony of a believe in distress and trials and that is why James an apostle admonish that believers should count it all Joy for the crown ahead.
Answer. The culture of Europe is rooted in the art, architecture, film, different types of music, economic, literature, and philosophy that originated from the continent of Europe. European culture is largely rooted in what is often referred to as its "common cultural heritage".Feb 25, 2020

Answer: Contact the police and file a phishing report.