othello becomes divided against himself conflicted about whether he loves or hates Desdomona
Paul Thompsn describes a massive loss of brain cells and therefore brain conections in those areas that are related to impulses and to self control as an event that occurs in all teenagers, and considers this loss to be the cause of many teenagers' reckless behavior and mental confusion. While Dr. Thompson does not consider this scientific finding a justification for violent actions like the shooting of a teacher by Brazill, he does prove that an adolescent's brain is not the same as an adult's and therefore the trial of Nathaniel Brazill should not be based on the same criteria as if he had planned his actions with an adult's mind and deliberation. Dr. Thompson's description resulted in his being sentenced for second-degree murder, rathen tthan for first-degree murder as he would have been, had he been an adult.
Safety and hope
would sybolize
1. being in a healthy family is important for emotional health. Communication is a huge aspect of being a part of a family. Lessons learned in the house are carried out into the world.
2. My family does seem very spiritual however communication is somewhat minimal and we tend to have a very small group of people that we see often almost exclusively uncles and aunts which in Hawaii is what we call friends of our parents or long time family friends.
3. If the world was ending tomorrow would we mourn our impending doom or would we have a party?
4. I personally don’t feel the most connected in terms of communication with my family, often times i am deceptive or avoid telling them things for fear of abandonment or disappointment. Although they have never once hinted at kicking me out disappointing them feels worse than death.
1. my friend treats me with respect and is caring. 2. We help each-other when we are in need of assistance. 3. Me and my friend tell each-other funny jokes and relate to each-other.