Price and quantity supplied
The supply curve is a graphic representation of the relationship between the cost of a good and the quantity supplied of this good for a particular time period. Therefore, two factors that are displayed in the supply curve are the price and quantity supplied. The supply curve changes when these factors change too. Normally, as the price of a commodity increases, the quantity supplied increases too (all else being equal). However, changes in production can cause the curve to move left and right. Similarly, changes in price can cause the graph to shift as well.
C-Greater opportunities for women
It was a place of great virtue and morality
One difference discrimination
What I mean by this in 1954 the Brown V EDU was made and this was to desegregate the black and white community in school.
Which lead to the acts in 1957
In 1964 the people ended actual discrimination across the board. School, work, public place, transit, and anywhere you could think of.
This does not mean every one followed this type of stuff we have seen racist in modern society but a huge step for the black community