Everything in both of the industrial revolutions was all fast paced. They wanted skilled or less-skilled workers who would take little pay. And during this time there was a lot of poor families who would take the job opportunity. Since everything was fast paced they didn't have much time to fix the working conditions. Their main focus was to get the product completed and sold. But later on in the 2nd revolution, the working conditions did get better.
Back in the second industrial revolution there were many factories being built, and there were a lot of people willing to work for lower wages. Conditions were harsh, as there was a lot of smog, factory smoke, etc. and many people were harmed by the many machines in factories that had no safety precautions. Also, the gases and smoke caused breathing and lung illnesses.
Because he was the president of the United States from 1801 to 1809 he was a founding father who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use. However the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from taking a private property without due compensation to the owner