A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can, at least in theory, be checked and confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with opinions and beliefs, statements which are held to be true, but are not amenable to pragmatic confirmation.The word fact derives from the Latin Factum, and was first used in English with the same meaning: "a thing done or performed", a use that is now obsolete. The common usage of, "something that has really occurred or is the case", dates from the middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is sometimes used as synonymous with truth or reality, as distinguishable from conclusions or opinions. This use is found in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not history, nor fact, but imagination."
A divergent Plate boundary is where new ocean floor is created.
Extra: A convergent plate boundary (Oceanic-Oceanic, Oceanic-Continental, Continental-Continental) is where crust is destroyed.
It would be content recall...
I think it is the 3rd answer choice.
Answer: The ice has been melting and declining
Due to an increase in industrialization, global warming is occurring. This has increased the average temperature around the globe considerably.
As you probably know, ice needs to be in a cold environment to stay frozen. <em>Arctic sea ice</em>, which is ice that floats in the sea near the Arctic, <em>has been </em><em>melting</em> due to global warming.
In addition, the land ice on Antarctica and Greenland has <em>also been </em><em>melting</em> due to global warming. The increase in average temperatures around the globe has created an environment that is <em>too warm</em> for ice.
In conclusion, <em>global warming</em> has caused Arctic sea ice, and land ice on Antarctica and Greenland, to <em>melt</em>. The globe <em>is warmer than it once was</em>. This means that the water that once was frozen is now melting. If we don't stop heating the planet, <em>sea levels will rise </em>due to the melting ice, and catastrophe will occur. Tens of thousands of animals will die, homes will be lost, and storms will increase in intensity and frequency if we don't reverse the effects of global warming <u><em>now.</em></u>
Save the Arctic, please.