The only legitimate basis for the formation of a state is the nation.
The formation of a state can be an easy or a very complicated process. Also, it can be done in a peaceful manner, or through usage of violence and military action. The states have been formed in many different ways over the course of the history. The principle of self-determination though states that the only legitimate basis for the formation of a state is the nation.
This principle seems good and legit, but in practice has turned out to be very problematic.
Numerous states have been formed without really having a nation, but more a mixture of different people and cultures stuffed together without even asking them for it.
There a re lot of nations around the world that do not have states, or rather are not allowed to have states, such as the Basques, Catalans, Kurdish etc.
Some states have been formed because of the interest of other states, like the example of Kosovo in the Balkans.
Learn more about state and nation #learnwithBrainly
Plate tectonics is a term used to describe how the plates or slabs are formed as a result of faults and folds created within the earth surface and this term also used in describing how the earth was formed due to the impact of large solid objects from the outer space and the removal of gas due to the SolarWinds.
The mantel that is composed of three layers and the top of them being the asthenosphere on which Alfred Wegener gave evidence that the terrestrial plate floats freely on these with less resistance offered by SIMA.
The puzzle evidence also suggested by him was about the same theory that made the large supercontinents in existence and from which the later land masses broke off to form Pangea and Gondwanaland.
Later on much-studied were conducted in this tic to test its validity and found that the continents were truly displaced due to the spreading of the oceanic floors due to the mid-oceanic ridges and these accounts for 99% of the oceanic crustal masses. It was only possible through the deep exploration of the paleomagnetism and chain of rocks of various ages.
6. contain abundant clouds of cool gas and dust --- Spiral galaxies.
7. have significant, ongoing star formation --- Spiral galaxies
Most galaxies that contain a central bulge that is surrounded by a rotating disk of arms that circles the galaxies are said to be a spiral galaxy.
About 60% of the galaxies are made up of spiral shapes and they are mostly found n low-density regions and are in the central of the galaxy clusters. Spiral galaxies often have beautifully shaped made form hot and young stars.
The more reddish in color indicates much older galaxies and are resemble that of an elliptical shape. Also, they consist of a little amount of dust and gas left. Spiral galaxy has rich gas and high star formations.
Their clean energy sources are important to the region because Europe has a fast growing population, and need renewable energy sources that are reliable and efficient. <span />