The sniper is a short story by Liam O'Flaherty, an Irish writer. The story is set during the Battle of Dublin, during the early weeks of the Irish Civil War. This story was published in a small London based socialist weekly 'The New Leader'. It is Liam's first fiction published. When this story was published the war it depicted was still happening.
The most dangerous game is also a short story written by Richard Connell first published in Colliers on January 19, 1924, as 'The Hounds of Zaroff'. the story of 'The Most Dangerous Game' is inspired by the big-game hunting safaris in Africa and South America.
The two stories have many differences and similarities. Both stories are filled with dark and serious emotions making the stories more exciting and suspenseful. What makes the story of 'The sniper' by Liam better war story than 'The most dangerous game' is that in the end, the republican sniper shows regret that he cannot turn antisocialists into human being whereas General Zero Hu shows no regret by taking other person's life. Regret is necessary for humans to be sociable.
<span>The “. . . the water fell through the
light from sundown like August rain that fell while the sun was still shining” is
the excerpt from Leslie Marmon Silko's story "The Man to Send Rain
Clouds" that contains a simile.</span>
it supports the central idea which is the main cause of the authors writing or scripting it also affects it so that the people can get to know more about the particular book and makes us know about the central theme or climax