Spoilage is the answer they can grow in cold temperatures and very hot.
Saliva is created when food is in the mouth.
The mucus component of saliva is secreted throughout the day to moisturize the lining of the mouth and increases during eating to lubricate the food in the mouth and assist with swallowing. It is secreted by the buccal glands of the mouth as well as the sublingual and submandibular glands. A salivary gland is a tissue in our mouths that expels saliva. You can feel your salivary glands activate when you eat something really sweet. As exocrine glands, they expel saliva into our mouths by way of ducts. Each day, our glands produce as much as a quart of saliva.
Body fluid contains electrolytes, chemicals which, when they dissolve in water, produce charged ions. These ions enable the flow of electrical signals through the body. Electrolytes play an important role in the body; they regulate the osmotic pressure in cells and help maintain the function of muscle and nerve cells.
A person who is honest and trustworthy is said to have __________.
b. integrity
Internal can be you don't want bad things happening to your body, you don't want drugs affecting your health,etc.External could be you don't want it to affect your family or people around you.For example, like a cigarette if you are smoking in public you can be affecting others passing by or hanging out with you(external)but if it's just you by yourself smoking it is damaging your lungs(internal)