Primary storage refers to your RAM it is internal storage.
Secondary storage is any storage that is not the primary storage that permanently stores data. Examples are hard drive, tape disk drive, floppy disk drive and compact disk drive.
Off-line storage refers to any device that stores data that is not permanently attached to the computer. Example flash drives, The data remains on the storage device and can be connected to a different computer.
All the data must be the same font and font size is not necessary for data sorting.
The most easier and frequently used tool for data organizing and sorting is Microsoft's excel or google spreadsheet. Sorting deals with arrangement of data values in a particular sequence or order according to defined rules. For example data can be sort in ascending or descending order as per values or names in list.
architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, applications, and methodologies
There are several features of business intelligence. It is a content-free expression, which means that it means different things to different people, and not same thing as suggested by Option B. While its major objective is to enable or allow easy access to data, it is not limited to data and IT only as suggested by Option C. Instead it provides managers of businesses with the ability of analysis of data. And finally it helps in the transformation of data to information and to action, which is contrary to the suggestions of Option D. Hence the first option is the only correct option.
Significance of top administration responsibility: Top administration duty assumes an indispensable job in the development of any association. The duties of top administration decied the future objective of the association. So we can say that the development of association is straightforwardly proportional to the duties set by the top administration.
The viable and effective headings and the duties bargains the association to achive the arranged objectives and the objectives.
Improvement of Standards: Development of norms are likewise significant in any association. The quality check of the association or the review is being finished dealing with the these measures. So we can say that the nature of association is estimated on the bases of norms set. That is the reason its essential to set the gauges
initially, characterize the measures and flow it inside the association. Since it by implication sway the nature of any association.
For example if we are developing any project that its important that we should be clear about the expectation and commitments set by the top management regarding the
project and it should be developed on the standards set by the organization. Because without these two fators it may happen that our project fails in real
1. Difficulties in regards to asset the board.
2. Difficulties with respect to cost and budgetary needs
3. Difficulties in regards to innovations and skiils
4. Difficulties in regards to convenient conveyance of the task
Answer:B. Are used to create, organize, and manage databases
Explanation: Database management system (DBMS) is a computer software which is used to collect, analyse or evaluate and retrieve data from a database. It is essential to the flow of businesses or other activities of an organisation.
Examples of database management system softwares MICROSOFT ACCESS,FOXPRO,ORACLE etc all this are effective as it helps to manipulate the data structure,field names,the file formats etc.