=>Option A is correct
Occasionally earthquakes occur as a result of collisions along oceanic-continental convergent boundaries.
=> The closer it is to the edge between ocean and continent, the more likely earthquake occurs.
Hope this helps!
In 1840, these become Canada<span> East and </span>Canada<span> West after the British Parliament unified Upper and Lower </span>Canada<span> into the Province of </span>Canada<span>. This territory was redivided into the Provinces of </span>Quebec<span> and Ontario at Confederation in 1867. Each became one of the first four provinces.
->roci sedimentare , de exemmplu : nisip , pietris, argila
->sunt foarte frecvente alunecarile de teren in aceste zone
->sunt format in era neozoic
->Depres. col a Trans: -> are inaltimi > 100 m
-> Pod. Moldoveni -> inaltimi foarte foarte mici
-> Depres. col a Trans ->exista domuri cu metan [CH4]
-> Pod. Moldovei -> nu exista domuri
->Depres.col a Trans-> are depresiuni in munti
->Pod. Moldoveni -> nu are depresiuni , e neted
La cultura y la sociedad son como existentes uno no existe o no puede existir sin el otro. la cultura y la sociedad pueden tener algunos elementos comunes pero los dos no son lo mismo no son idéntico la diferencia esencial es que la sociedad está compuesta de personas mientras que la cultura consiste en conocimiento, ideas costumbres, tradiciones, creencias, habilidades, instituciones, organizaciones y artefactos