A mutual fund refers to the professionally managed investment group that funnels money for the acquisition of financial instruments from several investors.
Relative to direct investment in individual financial instruments, mutual funds have pros and cons. The main benefits of mutual funds are providing efficiencies, a better level of diversification, providing liquidity, and being proceeded by institutional investors. On the down side, the creditors will pay different costs and expenses in such a mutual fund.
Mutual funds ' main types comprise open-ended securities, investment vehicles with groups, and closed-end assets. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are open-end securities or funds with investment groups listed on markets. Many close-ended securities often mimic exchange-traded funds, as they can be exchanged on stock markets in order to enhance liquidity.
Answer: Alternation Ranking
Explanation: In Alternation Ranking employees are rated by choosing the best and then the worst employee, and then repeating the process until all employees have been rated. This method is effective in determining worker's performance using comparison with other workers in the company.
Option (A)
If a corporation is found guilty of committed a crime. Then the corporation likely to face a hefty fines for committing a crime. This means the owners of the corporation and its stake holders are responsible for this crime if any of the employee of the corporation commits a crime. Hence at last the owners of the corporation and the stake holders are end up being punished.
Answer: True
Thw above statement is true. Core self-evaluations (CSEs) is made up of positive individual traits which are self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and then emotional stability.
There individual traits are all vital in the accomplishment of a particular objective. Individuals that have high self-evaluations believe in themselves and are known to be effective.