The separte but equal schools where not equal in many ways. the african american schools where poorly funded and got hand me down book that were often out of date and falling apart. teacher where often under paid and
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Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System. As well as, Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars.
Through nonviolent protest the civil right movement of the 1950 and 60s broke the pattern of public facilities being segregated by race in the south and achieved the most important breakthrough in equal rights legislation for African Americans since the reconstruction period 1865-77
The more crops there are, that means that there's gonna be more resources. Which will mean that more people will be able to live in a town, because if there are less resources and less crops then more people will starve and die out way before they can reproduce. If they cant keep reproducing and be able to feed their children, then the town will become smaller and smaller until its completely vanished.
If this is refering to the Second World War, regardless the creation of the German Bizmark, Hitlers “new deal” program was to restart the German economy. While it did contribute tension between the great powers in Europe, Hitler had youth traning programs and engineered tanks that were far superior than what France and the British had. There was and agreement between the European powers that limited naval guns to less than 13mm (which Germany spat on by equipping the Bizmark with 15mm), to reduce world tension.