The answer is b, the Ancient Egyptian Empire was not a bureaucracy, but ran by a "food chain" where the pharaoh is at the top, and peasants/farmers were at the bottom.
All of the following represent innovations in land except ..
the 3-field system
open fields of manorial villages
shared property of monastic communities
the ownership by individuals of small farms
Well, first you'll have to identify themes of their rule.
Style of rule -
NII was obviously an autocrat (even though he, in theory anyway, had a representative body of the peoples, the Duma. But he hung onto his absolute rule with the Fundamental Laws (1905)), and Lenin had spoke alot of 'dictatorship of the proletariat,' both pretty absolute.
Repression (secret police, censorship) -
NII had the Okhrana, and tried to continue his father's 'Reaction.' Secret police for the
purpose of preserving the status quo, keeping the Tsars in power.
Lenin's Cheka was far more efficient, and though the total amount of the Cheka's victims in the civil war are officially 12,000 and something(wiki it), historians widely believe this figure to be in excess 500,000. Lenin therefore could be judged as the worse of the two.
Reform -
- NII - Illusory Reform (October Manifesto created the Duma, and as mentioned, this had no real authority),
- Stolypin's land reforms did almost nothing. Lenin issues the Workers Control Decree, and also
- the Bolshevik Land Decree - however these were only very temporary (before a return to a very
- authoritarian economic set-up (strict discipline etc). These therefore could also be judged as illusory.
- Both used concessions/reform in order to maintain control. Nicholas with the October Manifesto and
the creation of the Duma and Lenin with the NEP to appease the SR's and the rightists of the Bolsheviks.
- They both 'backtracked' on the reforms however with Lenin calling the NEP a 'tactical retreat' and would've
- reverted it had he been alive and Nicholas made the 1906 constitution/ Fundamental laws which limited the Duma's powers and maintained his position as an autocrat.
Please list the statements
This novel is about violence. Violence in Texas.
<h3>What was in this book?</h3>
Among the states undergoing reconstruction, Texas had the highest crime rate. 859 murders occurred there between 1865 and 1868. With 529 homicides in the former and 160 in the latter, only Louisiana and Alabama came close. Blair makes an effort to explain this significant discrepancy, however he does so mostly by drawing on the enormous research of academics who have studied the state over this time.
<h3>Who is William A. Blair?</h3>
William A. Blair is the founding editor of the Journal of the Civil War Era and the Walter L. and Helen P. Ferree Professor of Middle American History at Pennsylvania State University. He also directs the Richards Civil War Era Center.
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