he tells hrothgar that beowulf and his men have traveled across the sea to have speech at will. hrothgar responds by saying he knows ecgtheow and beowulf as a boy.
its D : Gonzalo describes his father by describing his father’s actions
List ten vocabulary you know October November Blanket Pillow Paper
The Visitor. On the 24th of December we had a visitor. Her name was Patience (my cousin). She came on the 24th of December so that we could celebrate christmas the next day.On the 25th of december early in the morning at around 6am we helped her clean the house. After cleaning the house, she cooked for us delicious food.We had to go and bath while my cousin was cooking and my two sisters and l went to bath. After we took a bath my brother went to take a bath after my brother it was my father. When my cousin finished cooking, she went to bath. when she was done we ate all her delicious food she cooked, after eating we dicided to go to the beach. By 5pm we had finished swimming so we went to an ice-cream shop we bought a five litre ice-cream container and two packets of biscuits. When we went back home we ate the things we had bought in the ice-cream shop. We enjoyed the christmas. My cousin said it was her best christmas day in her whole life
This One
The pic 1 Where the arrow is toward The car