The GI Bill helped World War II veterans by "(3) giving them several types of economic <span>assistance" such as offering them the opportunity to attend college for free. </span>
Exactly the point, this is a poem or and passage about something, that couldn't be done. But there was one person, who achieved that thing, that couldn't be done. The theme of this poem or passage is <u>Integrity</u>. Integrity names a lot of things, but I will only name a few(not really):
honesty · uprightness · honor · good character · good principle(s) · ethics · morals · righteousness · morality · nobility · high-mindedness · right-mindedness · noble-mindedness · truthfulness · trustworthiness · wholeness · undividedness · togetherness · coalition · strength · sturdiness · solidity · solidness · durability · stability
A lot of that was shown in this poem or passage, which ever you choose.
B) Southern and Eastern Europe
After an halt in the rate of European immigration in the period of the U.S. Civil War, a population of above 20 million immigrants migrated to the U.S. —mainly from SOUTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE—between the period of 1880 and 1920.
A majority of Southern European immigrants were positively influenced by economic advancement in the United States. The Eastern Europeans (mainly Jews) escaped religious persecution.
World War I had a negative impact on European immigration as it reduced it, and the national-origin quotas set up in the year 1921 and 1924—which provide priority to Western and Northern Europeans—followed with the Great Depression as the beginning of World War II led to a close stop in immigration from Europe.