The answer is stated below:
If the SEC and the AICPA, worked altogether in order to share the information, they might have detected the fraud prior. The case states that the Madoff Securities does not required to submit the peer review program to AICPA as Friehling, had recorded that he did not perform or conduct any audits.
1. The policy execution for the exchange of the information among the two firms would be useful to detect the fraud.
2. The PCAOB should spend more resources an attending the hotline of whistle blowing through executing the policies which need certain complaints to be addressed effectively.
3. The firms or company should have done more in order to verify the financial statements assertions, which surrounds the investments. The PCAOB need to execute the policy that require the companies (such as Madoff Securities) to correctly answer the inquiries of the auditor.
increase by more than $1 million
Answer: C.) Horizontal sum of all the individual firm's supply curve
Explanation: A perfectly competitive market, is that in which sellers or suppliers of a certain product are numerous such that a slight increase in price, and demand could fall to 0. Here, an individual seller has no control over the price of commodities. The supply curve tells how much quantity will be produced at different prices. Therefore the market supply curve is determined by all individual sellers individual price in other to determine the overall quantity to be produced at varying market price. Prices are drawn horizontally from the y-axis to determine quantity produced at different prices for each indivudual seller which is summed to generate the market supply curve.
The systems that support functions that are absolutely critical to the organization
Only the systems that support functions that are absolutely critical to the organization. Critical in such that it no organization can do without them, I.e they are very important to for their survival.