QUESTION 14 Chapter 3.2.2. and Figure 3.23. In an erupting column of ash, what is the convective ascent region? a. The region in
which particles of all sizes are propelled upwards by the rapid expansion and release of trapped gases The region where the relative buoyancy of the hot volcanic gases is higher than the cooling surrounding atmosphere and so carries smaller particles further upwards. O C. The region where cooling in the higher atmospheric levels eventually causes the pl ume to become neutrally buoyant and so bread out laterally d. The region where upward momentum carries particles above the neutral density level. QUESTION 15 Chapter 3.2.1. Since Mars and Mercury are smaller than Earth and thus have a smaller gravity, how does this influence lava flows on these planets compared to Earth? OaVolcanic flows on Mercury and Mars tend to be thicker. O b Volcanic flows on Mercury and Mars tend to be thinner. O c. Volcanic flows on Mercury and Mars tend to be hotter. O d. Volcanic flows on Mercury and Mars tend to be cooler. QUESTION 16 Chapter 3.3.4. What is cryovolcanism? O a When a volcanic explosion sends an avalanche of hot rocks down the sides of a volcano e b. When volcanic eruptions occur under the sea O C. The eruption of magma the derives from ice rather than molten rock When a volcano erupts on a planet with no atmosphere
Regardless of the heaviness of the Ash particles inside it blended with the hot volcanic gases, this is the light comparative with the cold encompassing air.
It rises convectively over the thrust area and is known as the convective ascent region of the emission section.
Question 15.:
Since the gravity isn't so solid on Mars and Mercury Lava streams can be thicker as a result of which they don't cool so quick when contrasted with the earth. Little cone volcanoes on Mars would tend to be in general more extensive and shorter.
Question 16.:
Cryovolcano is otherwise called the ice spring of gushing lava. What's more, cryovolcanism is a method where the ejection of magma from ice happens as opposed to rock in molten form. Cryo Magma or the cryo magma or ice volcanic liquefy are normally fluids or vapor.
The factor that jeopardizes the ecosystem in Eastern Europe is the tourism industry. Individuals simply travel there and have a fabulous time yet they don't pay attention and leave beaches dirty. They are not dealing with nature and the administrations can't do much since sightseers leave a lot of money for the nations.