Quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine
The difference between a dry climate and a tropical climate is that the dry climate as you know is dry and the tropical climate is moist and wet, the compare is tropical wet climates receive much more rain than tropical dry climates do. However, the term “tropical wet and dry climate” actually refers to a single type of climate. Tropical dry climates occur in deserts, while tropical wet climates usually occur along the rainforest belt.
Prevailing winds are the planetary winds that are caused by the formation of giant convection cells over the earth. Prevailing winds blow from the hot regions of the earth, like the tropics, to the cold areas of the earth, like the temperate or polar regions, and from the cold areas back to the hotter regions.
The correct answer to this question is: colonization.
Some changes are due to slow processes, such as erosion and weathering, and some changes are due to rapid processes, such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.