That looks hard good luck!
Hale's stance on seeking an explanation for what is happening, reaches John because he is being tried without any concrete evidence, with nothing to explain the trial.
John Proctor was accused of witchcraft completely unfairly, yet he went to trial, with no evidence to back up the charges and even with the knowledge that Abigail accused him of revenge. This experience is reached by the words of Hale, who says, that it is necessary to look for an explanation for what is happening in the city, instead of causing the collapse that is happening.
“A Red, Red Rose,” also titled in some anthologies according to its first line, “O, my luve is like a red, red rose,” was written in 1794 and printed in 1796. The song may be enjoyed as a simple, unaffected effusion of sentiment, or it may be understood on a more complex level as a lover’s promises that are full of contradictions, ironies, and paradoxes. The reader should keep in mind the fact that Burns constructed the poem, stanza by stanza, by “deconstructing” old songs and ballads to use parts that he could revise and improve. For example, Burns’s first stanza may be compared with his source, “The Wanton Wife of Castle Gate”: “Her cheeks are like the roses/ That blossom fresh in June;/ O, she’s like a new-strung instrument/ That’s newly put in tune.” Clearly, Burns’s version is more delicate, while at the same time audaciously calculated. By emphasizing the absolute redness of the rose—the “red, red rose”—the poet demonstrates his seeming artlessness as a sign of sincerity. What other poet could rhyme “June” and “tune” without appearing hackneyed? With Burns, the very simplicity of the language works toward an effect of absolute purity.
no explanation :)
Each paragraph you write should have a main idea or dialog basically those things see when you write if you have more than one main idea it confuses the reader.