It wearies by the constant strain after effect, its mock-heroics and allusive periphrasis, and excites distrust by its want of moderation.
no, we cant say "could have HAVE been"
saying double have sounds weird and isn't the right way to talk.
The correct answer here is the third option.
Satire is the style of writing employed by writers when they criticize the society in any form or humans in general. In the genre of satire all the follies, vices, shortcomings and abuses of the society or the individual are ridiculed, mocked but the main thing about the satire, even though it is funny and humorous, its main purpose is the betterment of the society and constructive social criticism.
After doing some research, I think the correct answer is option C. Regarding nature as superior to the individual is a trait of American romanticism. Other traits are youthful, innocent, and intuitive. Hope this answers the question.