The Tang Dynasty defeated the Turks in the seventh century
Answer in BOLD
Most military people I have known believe the US Air Force is the safest branch to be in from a combat perspective. In the Army and Marines, the enlisted men do the vast majority of fighting, and, therefore, getting killed.
lethal injection
Recorded incidents of botched electrocutions were prevalent after the national moratorium ended January 17, 1977; two in Alabama, three in Florida, one in Georgia, one in Indiana, and three in Virginia. All five states now have lethal injection as the default method if a choice is not made.
The civil rights act
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a Bill that was signed into law after many years of political and civil agitations by the black community against the oppression, segregation and racism they faced over many years in the United States of America.
Therefore, as Dr Martin Luther King states that the African Americans were still crippled by segregation and discrimination which they faced. This was supposed to have come to an end with the passing into law of the Civil Rights Act.