1-I Only open cards when there is money inside
2-I can see through them, so you can't lie
3-I saw you wrap the presents and you could never hide
4-You never saw me, So you can't cry
5-I saw you put the presents by the fireplace
6-and you lied about santa in my face
7- How dare you ruin my christmas?
8- I thought we were all in this!
9- You lied and now Its time for my revenge!
10- I put coal in your stuff and ripped the letters you sent!
(You thought you could get me down!
You swung my emotions around !
Well that's over now!
My turn to shine!
It's Christmas Time! ) 2x
Narrow specialization of tasks within a production process so that each worker can become a specialist in doing one thing, especially on an assembly line. In traditional industries (see sunset industries), division of labor is a major motive force for economic-growth. However, in the era of mass customization (which requires multiple skills and very short machine change-over time), division of labor has become much more flexible. Also called specialization of labor.
The Enlightenment led to rational ideas about government. Kings no longer ruled by divine right; rather, government was to be rational. For some people, this meant a rise in republican thought—because it was thought that the people could best govern themselves according to what they needed.
Hope this helped :)
Nope sadly I don't even know what that is...
Now I do!