The king had power, but not as much as parliament.
Yes and no (Pick either one)
In a federalist view, it was awesome! They had a sense of loosely interpreting the constitution. In the democratic-republican view though, it was okay. They strictly followed the constitution and thought the federal government should not have much power, and might have not favored it as much.
But for me, I think that the Louisana purchase opened up so many oppourtunies for America such as expansion, and helped make America to what it is today.
What is it called when a popular presidential candidate generates additional support for legislative candidates and ... The main way that American candidates reach the electorate is through:.
Im not very sure but I think its lipid
A traditional war is where two or more countries are fighting each other directly, like WWI or WW2. Traditional wars are (as they sound) traditional. These are how most wars were fought throughout history. A proxy war is where a war is instigated by one or more major powers but the major power itself does not actually get involved.
A good example would be the Cold War. The Cold War had many proxy wars within it; for example the Vietnam war. In the Vietnam war, the North was communist and the south was not. The Russians (USSR) was supplying North Vietnam and the Viet Cong (VC) with training and weaponry such as guns, tanks, planes, etc. But Russia (The USSR) never actually fought in the war itself, while America and their plan to contain communism, went and fought directly in Vietnam.