The congress is made up of many
different kinds of committees. One of these committees is a standing committee,
which is best described as a permanent subject-matter committee. In total, there
are 20 standing committee in the House of Representatives, while there are 16
in the senate. Most bills sponsored to the congress receive consideration in
the standing committee under whose jurisdiction the matters contained in the
bill fall. Usually the congress follows the recommendations of the standing committee
on the fate of a bill.
Build a powerful militiary in Europe
Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882), wrote the "<em>Young America</em>" essay in 1844.
An American poet and intellectual, Emerson established a series of concepts in his lecture <em>Young America</em>, before the Mercantile Library Asociation in February 1844.
He stated that Americans were having the duties one country(America) and the cultural influence of another(Great Britain). That is why the nation should consider education and commerce as a mean to unification and prosperity.
He was convinced that trade was the door to open commerce and growth for America. Through this activity, the Young America would build the bases of modernity for the next generation and the prosperity of the country