You’re right hand, when giving a firm handshake .
You always use you’re right hand just as the other person does to shake you’re hand .
It would be the first choice because when going up a scale you use ABCDEFG therefore when going down your Chromatic scale you would use GFEDCBA.
Honestly, I think this is something you would have to answer on your own. If it's not asking you why you think people like to connect film with other aspects of life, then the reasons should be in whatever text or lesson you had to read or listen to because there are so many reasons why people enjoy connecting film and other forms of art to their personal lives. I enjoy looking at connections between films and life simply because I love analyzing an interpreting art. I enjoy finding something I can connect to in a personal level and actually analyzing it piece by piece, learning more about the film, the symbols and themes of the film, and the people behind the film.
Hope I helped,
P.S.: Not sure if I was much help, but don't hesitate to ask for more help.
During the Industrial Revolution, many roads were opened to art and architecture, but all of them can be summarized in one: the freedom of creation. The industrial revolution and the bourgeoisie had their continuity in artistic expression. Since then, and until today, the art continues in that same direction