I didn’t read it myself but I’d search ‘Goose Girl Analysis’ on Google and and find something from an academic website like Cliffnotes or Shmoop. If you can’t find anything then you’ll have to look for a Prezi or Google Slide, or something like that. They won’t be as professional because they’re likely by students, but it’s better than nothing, and hopefully it helps get you started. x
Himself a Relative Pronoun
Based on the excerpt, according to me, the author most likely wrote the story
she is worried about her hometown.
Titania asks Bottom if he is hungry, and he replies that he has a strange appetite, despite the ubiquity of chaos in Act III, all that is necessary to resolve matters is the magic potion rather than an expression of his natural feelings, love has been hilarity, Shakespeare simply invokes the fairies' magic to dispel all conflict.
I studied this in my theater class in 10th grade