All but the first one, "Never purchase a warranty."
This will lead to openness or Privacy Dialectic. Privacy dialectic captures the wish or longing for both intimacy while we desire or get distance between ourselves and others. The open–closed dialectic is the inner fight stuck between our expression and privacy.
Itsuki's withdrawal from all social interaction, likely the result of bullying.
Bullying is defined as the repeated and intentional harming and humiliation of others, particularly those who are smaller, weaker, younger, or otherwise more vulnerable than the bully. Bullying is distinguished from ordinary aggression by its deliberate targeting of those with less power.
Bullying can include both verbal and physical attacks, as well as threats of harm, other forms of intimidation, and deliberate exclusion from activities. Bullying appears to peak between the ages of 11 and 13 and then declines as children get older. Overt physical aggression, such as kicking, hitting, and shoving, is most common in younger children; relational aggression, such as spreading rumors and social exclusion, becomes more common as children mature.
Learn more about bullying here:
Answer:A. Negligence per se.
Negligence Per Se
In common cases of negligence a person suing the other need to give proof of negligence. The plaintiff must give evidence that relate the conduct of the defendant to their damage or harm done to them which shows that the defendant action were the primary cause for that harm.
When a defendant however violates a regulation or municipal ordinance and as a result of that violation someone is harmed this now becomes negligence per se.
Now under negligence per se the defendant's actions are not evaluated to have been reasonable or not but are considered unreasonable since they violated the rule or regulation.
The plaintiff must be under the class protected by that law or regulation and there must evidence of violation of that law by the defendant.