The two most prevalent types of city boundary changes are incorporation, which is the creation of a city government in unincorporated territory of a county, and annexation, which is the addition of unincorporated territory to an existing city.
Gun rights vs. Gun control.
Overwhelming majorities of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and Democrats and Democratic leaners (89% each) say mentally ill people should be barred from buying guns. Nearly as many in both parties (86% of Democrats, 83% of Republicans) favor barring gun purchases by people on federal watch lists. And sizable majorities also favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks (91% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans).
Yet there is a 30-percentage-point difference between Democrats and Republicans in support for an assault weapons ban (81% of Democrats, 50% of Republicans) and even wider gaps on two other proposals: arming teachers and school officials in elementary and high schools and allowing people to carry concealed weapons in more places.
According to data, it is found that juveniles do not sufficiently understand the Miranda warning and find it difficult to exercise their right of remaining silent.
Juveniles are far more sensitive than adults are. This is the reason what may not mean coercion in the case of an adult may be considered as coercion in the case having a juvenile involved. According to the data obtained from a number of juvenile justice cases, it is clear that the juveniles do not choose to make use of their right to remain silent.
This may be either because they don't properly come to terms with what Miranda rights actually are or they are too vulnerable to the interrogation and can't resist speaking out of fear.