A simile compares 2 things using like or as. Examples such as "stood out like a sore thumb" compare something (Sanjay) with something completely unlike the first (a sore thumb) connecting the two with like or as. Use this when looking for a simile in the future.
Shakespeare wrote in the time period of when England was expanding. Another way you could phrase it is during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
What is the text and what is the question
wow. thats cool. I've had a bird fly into my house before through a vent i think.
The sentence that best states the them of "Everything that Rises Must Converge" is:
D. Crisis leads to clarity of perspective.
"Everything that Rises Must Converge" is a short story by author Flannery O'Connor. The plot revolves around J.ulian and his mother. J.ulian considers himself a modern, progressive young man, whose mind is open to the new times and new demands of society. On the other hand, he perceives his own mother in a most close-minded way, constantly judging her actions and believing she is wrong, even inferior, for having a prejudiced view of the word.
<u>J.ulian does not realize he is prejudiced as well, but against his own mother. </u><u>It is only at the end of the story, when she has stroke and dies (a crisis), that clarity comes to him.</u><u> She dies after having been punched by an African-American woman who felt offended by her. Instead of helping his mother, comforting her, explaining why that happened, J.ulian begins to humiliate her, saying she had gotten what she deserved. When she passes away, however, he has "his entry into the world of guilt and sorrow." He loses the woman who loved him unconditionally and who, in return, only received his judgment.</u>
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NOTE: I had to type J.ulian with this dot because, for some reason, Brainly will not let me post the answer otherwise.