Answer: punctuation.
Explanation: Punctuation is a form of organization used to identify causes and effects in interaction. The marks such as comma, full stop, bracket, used in writing to separate sentence and also to clarify meaning. punctuation is used to help a reader distinguish words and ideas from each other, furthermore punctuation is used to create sense , clarity, and stress in sentences. It is also used in organizing your writing.
Punctuation examples are comma, bullet, dash, apostrophe , question mark e.t.c. Punctuation are used to make words written meaningful.
Wealth, power, and prestige--these three elements make up Weber's theory of social class.
In the case above, both have power over others, but their wealth is likely different as the self-made man is a millionaire and lawyers don't typically make that much. The biggest difference would likely be the level of prestige or respect each would get from others. The US values the self-made man over a lawyer.
<u>Local and tribal government</u> has direct responsibility for the safety of its residents and direct knowledge of the situation and accompanying resource requirements.
Local government is a form of administration of public in particular town, state and country. The local government is responsible for recreation and amenity services, development of economy and maintaining the register of electors.
Tribal government is an independent government that operates apart from the state or federal governments. Tribal government is the most important part of the American government. They are responsible for imposing taxes and creating court systems. Road and public work facilities were also maintained by the tribal government.
Socialization teaches impulse control and helps individual develop a conscience,second, socialization teaches individuals how to prepare for and perform certain social rales.
It was used by the Catholic Church and in academic settings.
Latin was for 20 centuries the official language of the Church. Academic writing and research was published in Latin. Masses were said in Latin, despite the fact that only the clergy and the best educated people (very few people during the Middle Ages) were the only ones who could speak and understand it. It was only in the second half of the 20th century that the Roman Catholic Church authorized masses in the local and national languages of each country.
I hope I can help you :)